“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.”

— Robert Louis Stevenson

How NOT to get sucked into other people’s power games

“Respecting a child teaches them that even the smallest, most powerless, most vulnerable person is worthy of respect. And that is a lesson our world desperately needs to learn.”
– L.R. Knost

Why understanding projections is a key to your freedom!

 “The enormous difference between the relationships you need, and the one you deeply want. The need is created out of an accumulation of negativities, planted by traumatic experiences: fear, doubts, anxiety, dependence, weakness in certain realms, inadequacy, incompleteness. A certain relationship can remove the fear, calm anxiety, supply a certain completion, replace a loss, fulfill an organic insufficiency, lull an insecurity, supply a substitute love.”

Anaïs Nin – The Diaries of Anaïs Nin

Let the Trauma Go
Love Is Free – LONRELLE

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